Body Image Sparkles

What do you see when you look in the mirror or a at picture of yourself? Do you see how happy you were? How pretty your eyes look when you wear blue? Chances are that you may see these things at first but then you start to pick yourself apart. You start to notice the flaws more than the beauty. As a person with body dysmorphia disorder (BDD) all I see is flaws, what could be better, what I wish I could change. Today, you’ll need some boots to wade through the mess that is my own body image. I’m going to share some pictures of myself and I’ll tell you what I see. Chances are you’ll think I’m full of shit (hence the boots) but this is what life is like when you all you can see is the ugly.

According to the Mayo Clinic: “Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental disorder in which you can’t stop thinking about one or more perceived defects or flaws in your appearance — a flaw that, to others, is either minor or not observable. But you may feel so ashamed and anxious that you may avoid many social situations.” (Mayo Clinic, 2018)

Picture #1: October 2016, Jeans size 3, shirt size small, height 5′ 2″, weight 124 pounds.

Here is what I see in this picture; forehead wrinkles, double chin, upper arms are fat, spare tire, hips too wide, fat thighs, fat squishing out of hole in jeans on left leg.

It amazes me how much weight is put on outer beauty from the time a child is born. I noticed this more with my daughter than my sons. One of my husband’s close relatives started commenting about her size when she was just an infant. She was a chubby baby but she was just healthy. The interesting thing was that her older brother was an even chubbier baby but nothing was ever said about his baby rolls. This went on through toddlerhood until she thinned out (just like her brother did) when she became more mobile. This is exactly the opposite of what I wanted for my children. My daughter to begin life obsessed with how she looks & my son hearing that women are valued by their size.

Picture #2: May 2015, jeans size 5, shirt size medium, weight 135 lbs (I’m embarrassed to type this weight and I still have to do it three more times). What I see (on myself, Jordan Knight looks perfect): I need a nose job, face too round, I hate the shape of my mouth, double chin, bat wing arm, Buddha belly, wide hips, fat thighs, chubby knee, fat calves.

I did not want my daughter to start her life the way that I did. So much emphasis was put on looks. My mom actually one time told me that I would probably die if I ever lost my looks (I have and for the record I haven’t died, but that is beside the point). My older sister was always the smart one and I was the cute one. It’s how we were branded. Part of it was personality, Heidi was always more reserved and I was always more ridiculous. So much of it though was looks. I was always told how cute I was, it became my identity. I had to be cute and pretty because that was all I had going for me. Heidi was very smart, I could never be as smart as her, all I had was my looks to get me by. This became an obsession for me at a very young age. I was always worried about how I looked. I started worrying about my size before I even hit puberty. When I did hit puberty eating disorders started. When I was 11 or 12 I remember being at a family get-together (grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, cousins) and my aunt talking to my mom about how I ate like a bird and how I was so tiny. Now these were not insults at all, this was high praise. I was doing something right. I got to a point where I never ate in front of anyone (I still hate eating in front of people), then to a point that I hardly ate at all. When I got upset or if I overate (or what I perceived as overeating) I made myself throw up. The first time in my life that I even weighed 100lbs came four or five months into my first pregnancy.

Picture #3: September 2016, shirt size small, weight probably about 135 lbs, ugh my nose, eyes are squinty, teeth too big, skin too pale, armpit fat, upper arm is fat, chubby sausage fingers, Danny is adorable.

The thing about the obsessing about being a certain pants size or weight is that no matter how small I was (or am) all I can see is flaws. No matter what the number on the scale says, I see someone much bigger in the mirror. I watch the shows “Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition” & “My 600 lb Life”, I think I look like the people on the show. Logically, I know I don’t. I can get out of my bed, I can walk with no problem, I’ve never weighed 200 lbs let alone 600 but in my mind that’s what I see. I spend hours looking in the mirror picking at this, trying to figure out how to fix that. I refuse pictures if I weigh too much at the time. There is hardly any evidence that I even existed when my children were babies because I was too hideous to be in pictures with them. We have had one professional family picture taken and that was almost 14 years ago. I won’t update my drivers license until I am the weight (or less) that it says I am. It all sounds so shallow and silly but that it is my reality. My reality is that all I can see in myself is ugly.

Picture #4: June 2017, pants size 5, shirts both medium, weight again around 135. This one is really hard to share because I feel I look extra large, fat face, still hate my mouth, double chin, I look pregnant, FUPA, big butt, big thighs. I am beginning to realize that pictures of me only happen if there is a New Kid involved.

So far I’ve mostly talked about my weight but I have issues with the rest of my appearance as well. It is widely speculated that Michael Jackson had BDD, hence all the plastic surgery. He was also never happy with how he looked, unfortunately for him he had the means to do something about those feelings of inadequacy. Unfortunately (in my opinion but probably for the best), I do not have Michael Jackson’s level of money or fame. I can’t just pay a plastic surgeon to fix everything I see wrong no matter how absurd it is. I have a list of procedures that I would have done just in case I suddenly gain a talent that creates stupid amounts of money for me. This list includes (just in case anyone wants to get me a Christmas present): Botox, forehead lift, nose job, lip injections, something to fix my double chin, liposuction, so much liposuction, a tummy tuck, and much more. Now, most people that have a cosmetic procedure do not have BDD. It’s the repeated procedures & forever long “wish lists” such as mine that are a problem. If there is a cosmetic procedure out there and I know about it you can correctly assume I’ve said “I need that!”.

Picture #5: October 2016, pants size small, shirt size small, shoes size 6 (that doesn’t matter but I loved those shoes), weight 124 lbs. Here we go: stupid nose, weird lines on neck, chubby arms, fat dimple on elbow, probably sucking my gut in, standing at just the right angle so I don’t look too wide, huge thighs.

Mental disorders are so misunderstood and stigmatized that always feel like I have to make a disclaimer at the end of my posts. I am not posting this as a way of fishing for compliments. Quite the opposite actually, I am hoping you will see what I see in these pictures. So you probably won’t see the 600 pound person that I see but what you might see is that BDD is in fact a real issue. I know that very few of us look at ourselves and see perfection. In fact I have a feeling more of you are probably identifying with me than I think. What I should see in those pictures is the shear joy of being with my New Kids, or the fun I was having being on vacation with one of my favorite people ever. I don’t, but I should. I should have taken pictures with my kids so they could look back when I am gone and see how much I loved them. But I didn’t and I am still not to a point that I can.

A few years ago I posted on Facebook about my depression and anxiety, a lady (about my same age) replied “I never would have guessed you have those problems, you’re too pretty”. I honestly laughed. For one outside looks have nothing to do with whether or not one develops a mental disorder. Another thing, she thinks I am pretty? She must need glasses…perhaps she is legally blind…or she was just trying to be nice. Her statement completely dumbfounded me. It showed me that how we perceive people is so often so very wrong. We find it so much easier to see the beauty in others than we see in ourselves. When I look at a picture of anyone else I don’t start looking for the bad, hell most of the time I don’t notice anything bad. Why then do I do it to myself? Why do you do it to yourself? My challenge for you today is to see something beautiful about yourself. Do for me since I can’t do it for myself. I want to see you to see your own beauty. Not just on the outside but what you like about your whole person. Make a list of five things you like about yourself: physical, emotional, personality wise, it doesn’t matter just any five things that you truly like about yourself. Next, write down five things you don’t like about yourself. Take the first list and put it up where you can see it as a reminder every day. Take the second list wad it up and throw it away. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life and besides I think you a beautiful the way you are.



I’ll be Loving You Forever Pyrotechnic Sparkles

I am a firm believer that we all need to have a happy place. Something in life that brings us peace, calms our soul, & renews our spirt. For me this place of pure bliss happens at New Kids on the Block events (concerts, cruises, whatever else those guys decide to get up to). It sounds ridiculous if you aren’t from what I call “New Kid Land”. To those that aren’t lucky enough to live in this magical world full of boybands (well only one), singing, dancing, love, and confetti (so much confetti) let me give you a glimpse into the madness. You won’t need a helmet for this trip but I do suggest comfortable shoes & some glitter eyeliner.

I remember the moment NKOTB entered my life, Christmas 1988, I was almost 7. My older sister got the “Hangin Tough” album (on cassette tape because we are old) for Christmas from family friends (shout out to the Gates family). We listened to the tape that night, I remember staring at the album cover & the insert. There was an immediate spark lit within my tiny body six year old body. Soon that spark would be a full blown Fourth of July firework show that happened inside me with the mere mention of the Five Bad Brothers from the Beantown Land (yes, I typed that and yes it is completely ridiculous). I was just like every other girl in the late 80s & early 90s, if it had a New Kid’s face on it, I wanted it. My best friend (Vickie) and I became even closer as we bonded over our love of NKOTB. I was a Jordan girl from the start, she started as a Joe girl but at some point switched to Donnie (every Blockhead must declare a favorite, it’s New Kid law).

The Christmas of 1990 was another magical one when Santa Claus brought me the new Step by Step album & a little red boom box to play it. By this time I was 8 (almost 9) and NKOTB had completely stolen my heart. I had the poster pictured above pinned on the wall right next to my bed. Every night I kissed each boy goodnight (saving Jordan for last) and slept curled up right up next to it. I also refused to dress or undress in my room opting to do so either in my closet or the bathroom so they couldn’t see me but I’m just sharing that for the comedy factor. Thinking back on those years New Kids on the Block provided so many happy memories. There was dance routines to “The Right Stuff” with my cousins that we performed for our parents against their will. Waiting on baited breath for every television appearance, sitting inches from the tv as if it would make them closer. Watching the Hangin’ Tough Live video for the first time at my bestie’s house with her parents in the room and blushing. That time Joe married The Little Mermaid…wait that was Vickie & I playing Barbies that never actually happened.

During all of that happy there was also some dark. NKOTB became more than a silly boyband, they became my security blanket. Forgive me for not going into details, I’m still (and probably never will be) not comfortable sharing my demons*. Let’s just say my demons are big, that I’ve seen some things in my life, and people suck. During those years when New Kids were at the top of the world a little girl in Mid-Missouri kissed her poster and prayed every single night that those 5 boys would come and rescue her. While they never did physically show up they did save me. They saved me by giving me a place to escape to. Something to get lost in.

By 1992/93 it was no longer cool to like New Kids on the Block. They became a joke and if you openly liked them at school so did you. I didn’t care. They were my boys. In 1994 they released another album, this one was edgier, there were ashtrays full of cigarette butts in the pictures on the album insert, they said the word ‘damn’ in one of the songs (gasp). I was 12, I was mature now, they were so cool with their cigarettes and mild curse word. I watched the movie “Free Willy” repeatedly because it featured a song from their new album. The reinvention was short lived though. Soon Jon quit the band under the the biggest lie in music history that he fell off a horse and injured himself somehow. The others went on for a short while without him but then they just faded into oblivion. This was before the internet (again because we are all old) so there was not social media telling us what they were up to several times a day. They were just gone. I kept my security New Kids though. They never left my walls. They couldn’t, I needed them. During these years what is probably one of my biggest demons entered my life, I needed those boys to hold me up. Even though they did not know they were doing it, they did.

Now I’m going to skip ahead because this is already really long and there’s a lot to go. To summarize the 15 years I’m jumping over: Jordan & Joe get themselves solo careers, Donnie is in movies, Danny is behind that catchy LFO song, Jon has anxiety on Oprah and has an emu farm. I grow up get married, have a baby, get divorced, get married again, more babies, all while acquiring demon after demon (my life is basically always one tragedy to the next) but I still always held on to my NK security squad.

Now it is spring 2008, I am 26, I’m eight months pregnant with my third (and last) baby & I am just not in a good place. That place was Little Rock, AR (ha! See what I did there). There is something brewing. Rumors begin to circulate, excitement starts to build, then there is a big box on the Today show. Out of that box walks those five magical boys from Boston. My world is turned upside down in the best way. A few weeks later when they performed on the show I watched laying in my bed holding my newborn baby girl.

November 2008, Vickie and I drive from Kansas to Denver for our first ever New Kids on the Block concert. Not only did we have concert tickets but we had VIP passes which means we got to meet NKOTB. It was probably the best night of my life. Everything changed. I had something that brought me to life again; Not the mom me, not the person in a troubled marriage me, not the victim (I hate that word) me, not the person with depression and anxiety me, not the trying to be what everyone else wants but failing miserably me, just ME. I started to find myself back after years of losing myself in everything else.

NKOTB have inspired me to do things that I never imagined I’d accomplish. They did not personally hold my hand along the way but if not for them I wouldn’t have a Master’s degree. Going to their shows made me finally realize what I wanted to be when I grow up & gave me the courage to go after it. They inspired me to lose the baby weight, not just from the last baby but the one before that too. No, Danny wasn’t my personal trainer, but one wants to look their best when in the presence of Jordan. They made me realize that it’s ok to dream big. They made it ok to be ridiculous again. They made it ok to sing and dance again. They gave me the courage to not just lay down and die. All of this while still being my safe place.

The absolute best thing that they have done for me is introducing me to some of the best people on the planet. People I would have never met if not for New Kids. Over the last 10 years I have collected new friends at concerts, the cruise, VIP holding rooms, & on social media. These people have become some of my closest friends, the kind of people who actually call, text, send you a message, or even snail mail just to send you some love. I even have this blog because of a person I met because of New Kids. I am alive because these people. I thank god that I have met these beautiful women (and the occasional man) every day. I went through most of my life not really fitting in anywhere. I fit in here. I am accepted, loved, and I love back here. I am now going to post way more pictures than necessary, scroll through them for more words.

Now of course there are those jerks that think I’m terrible for following a boyband around. This used to bother me. I really just don’t care anymore. If you don’t like it write me a letter, put it in an envelope, and shove it up your ass. Here is an actual quote from my husband’s aunt on me going to see New Kids on the Block: “I can’t believe you let her do that”. If you only you knew my life lady, then you can talk. I don’t judge what makes anyone else happy so I don’t think it is anybody’s business on what I do to leave the world behind. Another lesson from NKOTB, in the the wise words of Donnie Wahlberg: “I deserve this shit”. I have fought so hard to survive life, I have fought to be where I am in life (still fighting, I want to go so much farther), it only seems fitting that I have to fight to be in my happy place & to hold on to my security blanket.

I could go on forever about New Kids on the Block, what they are to me, what they’ve done for me, and the personal experiences I’ve had with them. I am not obsessed, however, I am dedicated. These five men though they don’t know me (they’ve met me many times but they more than likely don’t remember) they have saved me. If I did not grab onto them when I was 6 years old who knows what I would have found to help me make it through hell. They are my safe place, my security blanket, & my happy place. I wish that everyone had something like this save them, to lose themselves in. Find what makes you happy and chase it. You will never regret it.

*I started writing this in May before my last blog post. If you want to know about the demons please read my previous post “Demons don’t Sparkle”.